How to Order Custom Size Window Sills
One of the new features we've added to our new website is the ability to have your oak window boards trimmed to the exact length and width that you need. This saves you the time and hassle of cutting 'on site' and is a service that we offer completely free of charge.
We understand that not all window reveals are the same length and/or width, so we've introduced this custom option to help you buy the window board that is precisely the size you need. The process is pretty simple, though we're available should you require a bit of extra help when ordering.
1) Choose from our range of window sills depending on the profile and thickness you'd like.
2) Choose the size option that would be most suitable for your 'trimmed to' size. As an example, if you require a window board 2360 x 242mm, select the '2.4m' length and 250mm width options as the most appropriate size of oak to machine your window board from.
3) Enter the dimensions you'd like your window board trimmed to in the 'Trimmed to size' option box. Note: Dimensions cannot be larger than the options selected in step 2.
4) Sit back, relax, and wait for your finished window board to arrive. We'll machine your oak to the exact sizes you've stated.
This free made to measure cutting service is just one of the custom options we've added to our oak window board range. Coloured finishes and the profiling of ends can also be selected when ordering.
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